Through the fund “friends of Cinemaximiliaan” governed by th King Boudouin Foundation you can become a supporting member. Donations starting from 40 euro are tax-deductible to 45%.
Or transfer your donation directly to:
Koning Boudewijnstichting:
friends of Cinemaximiliaan
Buy me a coffee:
If you want to organise a charity event in benefit of Cinemaximiliaan, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Presidents of the fund “Friends of Cinemaximiliaan”
Pierre Iserbyt and Joost Declercq
Bruno de Cartier (Corelio), Marianne Hoet (Phillips Belgium), Miene Gillion (Human Rights Watch), Vanessa Vande Vyvere (Art Travel), Jean François Vandenberghe (Baker&McKenzie), Françoise Tulkens (European Court of
Human Rights), Dirk Snauwaert (Wiels), Stefan Hertmans (author), Sigrid Bousset (culture manager), Franky Devos (Vooruit), Béla Tarr (filmmaker), Jan Lauwers & Grace Ellen Barkey (Needcompany), Stefaan De Clerck (Proximus), Sophie Alexandre (Kunstenfestivaldesarts), Christophe Slaghmuylder (Wiener Festwochen), Edouard Meier (Creatis), Wim Embrechts (Art2Work), Tanguy Van Quickenborne (Vandeweghe n.v.)
Supporting friends
Kirsten Aernouts, Paul Annys, Fabienne Bessonne, Bea Borgers, Christine Bral, Peter Brosens, Stefaan De Clerck, Ghislaine De Maersschalck, Laurent De Scheemaeker, Sarah Deboosere, Christel Dusoleil, Miene Gillion, Benedicte Goesaert, Yo Haleydt, Ronald Heiremans, Wouter Hessels, Ronald Heuninck, Gudrun Heymans, Peter Hinssen, Marianne Hoet, Anne-Marie Jacobs, Edith Klapwijk, Jan Lauwers, Wouter Overmeire, Jean-Luc Peers, Guido Lamote & Celesta Sarens, Koen Schollen, Luc Sterckx, Vincent Stroep, Rik Fagard & Annelies Sysmans, Roger Van der Wangen & Marleen Sysmans, Johan Somers & Kristien Sysmans, Tom Van De Vel, Macheld Van Den Camp, Sigrid Vandepitte, Pascal Vanhove.… and all those who wish to remain anonymous.
Corporate Friends:
Proximus, D2Que bvba, Future Holding nv, Serdiser, Bech nv, Cooreman bvba, Tradicor nv, Ceperive nv, Mediahuis