‘Some Tales’ Workshop


Saturday 10 February, 2024



Manchesterstraat 36, Molenbeek

‘Some Tales’ Workshop

On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10th at 11AM, Palestinian Artist, Iyad Sabbah @sabbahiyad, will be hosting the Workshop ‘Some Tales’ where we will create an artwork together.

“This installation is an attempt to paint a simulation of the war state” ~ Iyad Sabbah

Everybody is welcome and lunch will be provided! Please confirm attendance via DM or email interns@cinemaximiliaan.org so we can make sure there is enough food.

If you want, you can bring an object that is important to you.

Hope to see you on SATURDAY 10TH FEBRUARY at 11AM at the Cinemaximiliaan project house, Manchesterstraat 36, Molenbeek